Monday, April 13, 2020

August 4, 1982 letter

When I compose these posts, I go through my files of scanned correspondence, find one that I want to share, and read it until a story or thought relating to that letter, card, or photo pops into my head. I then share that store and the scan. Recent events (the pandemic) have made it nearly impossible for me to bring up my old memories from the past and I haven't posted stories because I've been (unsurprisingly) eaten up with anxiety and fear. However, I don't want to stop sharing materials related to my book because I'm blocked about background stories so I decided to just share without an accompanying story sometimes. I'm hoping this will  help me get back on track. I hope you're all safe and well, and we can all get through this together.

Today, I'm sharing a letter which was written during the time period in which Tito had just moved to Japan and was training in Okayama. This was a time period in which he couldn't receive my correspondence (as he was there temporarily and would move to Tokyo when his training was done). I was used to lavish attention from him as our long distance relationship started and his time to leave the U.S. neared, and then there was mostly silence. This was a shock to my system, and this letter reflected that.

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